Sad news: Meredith Scheffler banned from the PGA Tour…more details below

Sad news: Meredith Scheffler banned from the PGA Tour…more details below

Sad news: Meredith Scheffler banned from the PGA Tour…more details belowSad news: Scottie Scheffler banned from the PGA Tour..

.At a press conference Thursday morning, Louisville’s mayor and police chief said the officer who arrested Scottie Scheffler following a car crash at last week’s PGA Championship was disciplined for not having his body camera on. However, four charges against Scheffler are still pending. Louisville Mayor Craig Greenberg has admitted that the arresting officer,

Detective Brian Gillis, did not activate his body camera during the incident last Friday. Louisville Metro Police Department policy requires officers to turn on their body cameras before “engaging in any activity or encounter with law enforcement.”While there is video from the dashboard of a police car, as well as from a pole across the street from Valhalla, Greenberg claims that no video of the incident itself exists. LMPD released those two videos shortly after the press conference ended, and Greenberg said at the request that the Louisville District Attorney’s Office not release any additional video until the trial is complete. “Based on the internal investigation, Detective Gillies met with Scotty Scheffler

. Mr. Gillis should have turned on his body camera, but he did not,” Greenberg said. “It was a political blunder.” Louisville Metro Police Chief Jacqueline Gwynn Villaroel said Gillis did not activate his body camera and violated two internal police rules.Disciplinary action for those violations includes a mark on Gillis’ personnel file. Sad news: Scottie Scheffler then banned from the PGA Tour…

At a press conference Thursday morning, the mayor and police chief of Louisville said the officer who arrested Scottie Scheffler following a car crash at last week’s PGA Championship was disciplined for failing to turn on his ignitionhis body camera. However, the four charges against Scheffler are still pending. Louisville Mayor Craig Greenberg acknowledged that the arresting officer, Detective Brian Gillies, did not activate his body camera during Friday’s incident

. Louisville Police Department policy requires officers to activate their body cameras before “engaging in any activity or encounter with law enforcement.” “While there is video footage from the patrol car’s dashboard and from the pole in front of Valhalla, there is no video of the incident itself, Greenberg said.

LMPD released both videos shortly after the press conference ended. Greenberg said that at the request of theLouisville District Attorney’s Office, no further videos will be released until court proceedings are completed. “Based on the findings of the internal investigation, Detective Gillis met with Scottie Scheffler. “Mr. Gillies should have had his body camera turned on, but he did not,”

Greenberg said. “It was a failure of policy.” Louisville Police Chief Jacqueline Gwynn Villaroel said Gillies violated two house rules by not turning on his body camera.Disciplinary measures for those violations include marks on Gillis’ department personnel file.

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